15 Ideas of What to Bring When Visiting a New Mom

15 Ideas of What to Bring When Visiting a New Mom

Posted by Hello Postpartum on

new mom holding her baby

Here are 15 fool-proof (and thoughtful!) ideas of what to bring when visiting a new mom so you don’t show up empty-handed. Remember, it’s essential to shower a new mom with love, too.

When a baby arrives, it can feel like the love and attention quickly shift from the new mother to the new life. So, if you’re reading this,  thanks for caring about what to bring when visiting a new mom. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to her.

Keep reading to learn what to bring when visiting. We also cover  what you should  not  do when visiting a new parent and some free ways to help mom feel supported during this time.

 Editor’s Note: check out our Postpartum Shop filled with perfect new mom gifts or you can   build a Postpartum Gift Box   to send a new mom.

What should you not do when visiting a new parent?

Before we dive into our top 15 ideas of what to bring, let’s touch on what you shouldn’t do when visiting a new family.

 Here’s a quick list of don’ts: 

  • Don’t ask to hold the baby — wait until the baby is offered to you

  • Don’t show up empty-handed — bring something (anything!) to show you’re thinking of them

  • Don’t comment on how tired mom looks — she is well aware of how tired she looks

  • Don’t ask how the baby is sleeping — ask how mom is sleeping instead

  • Don’t mention how messy the house is — pitch in and run the laundry or do the dishes

  • Don’t overstay your welcome — keep your visit short and sweet

  • Don’t visit if you feel sick — wait until you feel well and wash your hands before holding

  • Don’t offer unsolicited advice — listen to see if the mom asks your opinion before giving it

Remember, hold the mother until she asks you to hold the baby.

If all else fails, remember that the most supportive way to approach visiting a new mother is to hold the mother until she asks you to hold the baby.

What do new moms need most from visitors?

While every postpartum is different,  mothers need to feel cared for, seen, and supported  during this time. There are some straightforward ways to help her feel love and attention during this early time, and our ideas below do just that.

 Hint: she probably doesn’t want another bouquet.

If you’re up to it, you can consider  creating a new mom gift box   for a special present she will remember forever (and be so thankful for).

 Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. We may receive a small commission – at no extra cost to you – should you purchase something through this page. Thanks for helping keep our content free for our readers.

What to bring when visiting a new mom

1. Meals, meals, and more meals

Without a doubt, the best thing you can bring a new parent is a meal. Whether you opt for a home-cooked meal or a postpartum meal delivery service, the whole family will appreciate you helping take one less dinner off their plate.

Make sure to gift the meals in a disposable container, so there’s no worry about washing another dish and returning it. Also, ask about any dietary restrictions within the family beforehand.


Hint: check out idea #11 for a bonus tip about this suggestion.

2. Her favorite drink

Offer to stop and  pick up her favorite coffee, tea, or drink  on your way over. It’s a simple gesture, but a hot – or iced – beverage prepared exactly how mom likes it will feel like she won the lottery. You can even pair it with a gift card to a local coffee shop.

3. A reusable water bottle filled with treats

Recovering from birth requires a lot of energy, and the new mom must stay hydrated throughout.

Bring over a  sizeable thermal rambler   and fill it with hydrating electrolyte packets  , gum or mints, individually wrapped candy, chocolates, chapstick, or anything else she loves.

Infographic of six ideas of what to bring a new mom

4. Diapers and wipes

Ask mom or her partner what diapers and wipes they prefer and pick some up before heading over. A newborn can never have enough diapers! Opt for a pack of size one or two, as they will quickly grow from newborn diapers.

Bonus points if you change a dirty diaper or two while you visit.

5. A bag full of groceries

Considering dietary restrictions, showing up with a bag of groceries will make you a hero in almost any household.


Here are some simple grocery items to bring: 

  • A carton of eggs

  • Avocados

  • A loaf of bread

  • Sliced cheese

  • Prepared oatmeal cups 

  • A carton of milk
  • Butter or ghee

  • Full-fat plain yogurt

  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables

  • A magazine or two

6. A cozy robe and slippers

Those early postpartum days require being extra cozy at all times. Any new mom will greatly appreciate a robe and a pair of cozy slippers to pad around with her new baby.

7. Anything postpartum healing related

Healing from birth is no joke and requires various items, some of which can quickly run out. Bring over any of these postpartum must-haves to help mom feel cared for.

Pay close attention to the different delivery types –   vaginal   or   cesarean   – and which corresponding items to buy to help mom feel supported.


New! You can   build a Postpartum Gift Box   to send a new mom on our website.

8. An Amazon gift card

The number of middle-of-the-night purchases that happen when a new baby arrives is too many to count.

An   Amazon gift card   is the perfect gift to show up with when visiting a new mom  – it helps her buy just about anything under the sun with the click of a button.

9. A self-care bundle for mom

Self-care can feel like a cruel joke in postpartum, so a small self-care bundle is always a good idea.

We especially adore this   all-natural, handmade self-care box   for new moms and babies. It’s packed with nourishing, simple self-care items such as belly balm, an herbal bath blend, a bosom butter, and some essentials for the baby.

You can always make your own with a few sheet masks, a   weighted heat wrap  , a nice hand cream,   a non-toxic candle  , and whatever else you think she’ll enjoy.

10. A carton of formula or milk storage bags

If the baby is breast or formula-fed, you can bring a tin of baby formula or a carton of breast milk storage bags when you visit. Just text a family member beforehand to check on mom’s preference.

11. Paper plates and cups

A family with a new baby will eat many meals at home, and with that comes many dishes that require washing. If you’re bringing a meal (or not!), showing up with paper plates and disposable cups is always a great idea. We love this eco-friendly all-in-one plate and utensil set .

person holding a grocery bag with food

12. Homemade energy balls

Energy balls are packed with energy-promoting nutrients but are also pretty delicious. Make a batch or two of these dark chocolate nut butter balls to bring when you visit. Everyone in the house will love them, so make a few extras just for mom.

13. A book or two

…preferably not about birth, babies, or postpartum.

Pick up a book or two in mom’s preferred genr e  and drop them off when you visit. It’s nice to  have something to do while tethered to a pump  or finds herself with a spare few minutes. I know; we’re laughing in our heads, too.

You could also consider gifting her   an Audible membership   so she can remain hands-free and listen to anything of her choosing.

14. Dessert of any kind

You can’t go wrong with dessert if you’re still struggling with what to bring when visiting a new mom. Think cookies, donuts, cupcakes, or even a scoop from her favorite ice cream shop.

15. A helpful attitude and no expectations

Above all, it’s essential to remember that  you are there to support the parents when visiting a new baby . Don’t hesitate to speak up, ask how you can help, and not overstay your welcome.  Keep visits under an hour, ideally. 

 pile of freshly folded towels 

Free ways to support a new parent

If you want to go above and beyond, below is a list of easy, free ideas you can do in addition to whatever you bring over. These tasks may seem simple or too easy, but the reality is they’re beyond helpful for new parents.

  • Walk the dogs

  • Take out the trash (and replace the trash bag)

  • Wipe down the counters

  • Empty and load the dishwasher

  • Entertain the older kids

  • Run a load of laundry

  • Fold and put away laundry

Final thoughts on visiting a new mom

Remember, the new mother you’re visiting is going through a significant life transition and is grateful for any effort, especially if she’s at its heart. Keep the tips shared throughout this post in mind, and you can rest assured you helped make a new mom’s day that much easier. After all, it does take a village.

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